Proposition 21 adds tax to Department of Motor Vehicles registration

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Proposition 21 is one of the measures on November’s ballet that does not seem to be making many waves. The proposition proposes to tack on $18 to register your vehicle at the Department of Motor Vehicles. That money will then fund state parks. Officials claim some state parks will be out of toilet paper by October.

At first, this seems like a win-win situation.

But not everyone at the downtown Los Angeles DMV has something good to say about it.

It is 9 a.m. and there is a line outside the door.

We do not know how many people showed up to register their cars, but we do know that in California last year, more than 22 million cars were registered.

That is a lot of cars, and Proposition 21 plans to get $18 from every one of those drivers to help fund 278 state parks.

Joshua Mendez showed up today to register his 1993 Honda Civic. He has to pay $175, but he is not too thrilled that those fees may go up.

“I think they should find another way because why should we be punished for…driving our cars…,” Mendez said. “It’s not like we can do anything about it even if it passes. We’re gonna have to pay that extra $18 to register our vehicle.”

There are dozens of conservation groups across California. Some said the extra money was necessary.

“Those parks area already heavily supported by non-profit organizations, and they do a lot,” said Jane Adams, the executive director of the California Park and Recreation Society. “But yet there is that need for more money to make the necessary maintenance and repairs for our state parks.”

Adams said tax payers will see changes if the proposition is passed.

“It may take a year for people to say, ‘Oh, I see that building was painted, or I see I now have access to those restrooms that have been closed.'”

One manager at the DMV declined to give her full name or be recorded. She said she has been there for 26 years, and no matter the cost, people will pay.

Carlos Cuevas agreed. He was there to register his brand new truck, and he paid $600.

“You have to do it,” Cuevas said. “You have to renew your plates. Because I need to drive to work. You have to drive around, and if you don’t pay, they’re going to stop you and give you a ticket,” Cuevas said.

In November, tax payers will have to decide what is more important: keeping toilet paper stocked in their state parks or pocketing that extra $18.

Preview of the gubernatorial debate with debate expert


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Dr. Gordon Stables is also a communications professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. He said the first gubernatorial debate between State Attorney General Jerry Brown and former E-Bay CEO Meg Whitman might be the kind of vote where people choose the candidate they dislike least.

Photo courtesy of University of Southern California’s website

Angelenos find cool ways to weather the heat wave

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Fall started last week, but it still feels like summer break to students like Catherine Munoz.

That is why she left school early Tuesday to swim at the Expo Center pool with her family.

“It’s hot, and you can’t stand the hotness right now,” Munoz said. “I came over here to cool off.”

She is one of many Angelenos finding creative ways to keep cool.

At the air-conditioned senior center next door, the exercise class is almost full. Mary L. Patterson is sipping coffee and chatting with friends while she waits for yoga practice to start.

She said she is glad for the refuge of the center, which she described as “a pleasant place.” She is trying to stay out of her house all day.

“If I had to go back home right now, I’d drive slowly, and I’d get there and just open my windows,” Patterson said. “I have air conditioning, but with the expense of the electric bill, I cool off that way.”

The pool and senior center are two of a number of public “cooling stations” offered across the city and county. Libraries and parks are also listed.

But tight finances mean that many places were not open in the morning, even as temperatures soared.

“Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, we’re opening our doors a little bit later, in the middle of the day,” said M’liss Causey, the director of the Hoover Recreation Center on 25th Street, near Adams Boulevard.

Causey said the park staff did not get any guidance on how to help the hundreds of visitors who come looking for shade, especially in the afternoon. Instead, they came up with their own plan.

“We found ourselves walking around offering anyone standing around a cup of ice water,” Causey said. “And the excitement that we received from people was just incredible. Everyone took one. People would stop by on bicycles, grab a cup and keep going. We’ll keep doing it every day if we have to until the heat can kind of die down.”

Michael Wilson, the spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, said Los Angeles is generally weathering the sun well. Hospitals have seen only tiny increases in heat-related illness, he said.

Long-time residents like Gussie Edmondson said that they only cope well because they have already learned to cope.

“If it’s hot weather, I deal with hot weather,” Edmondson said with a shrug as she left the cool shelter of the senior center. “If it’s cold weather, I deal, because I have no control over it. So I have to adjust to the weather, not the weather adjusting to me.”

Meeting addresses health of minority boys and young men

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Juan Segura, a resident from Oakland, CA, is 18 years old. Segura grew up with an alcoholic father and a mother who fought cancer. At the age of 13, he joined a gang.

But now, Segura wants a change in his life. He is inspired by Sessa Cruz, his teacher. Cruz is teaching Segura about his heritage. However, his past seems to haunt him. In May, Segura was a target of a shooting that he survived. But his best friend died after a gunshot to the head.

People who gathered at the Building Healthy Communities’ Tuesday discussed people like Segura. Studies shows that young men of color between the ages of 15 to 24 have a homicide death rate 16 times greater than that of young white men.

Manuel Pastor, a professor of American Studies and ethnicity at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, said young men in minority groups are not able to get the education they need to be in the labor market. He also said the two-day conference and workshops allow young men of color to be heard.

Speakers at the town hall received a preview of a new book called “Changing Places: How Communities will Improve the Health of Boys of Color.”

The town hall meeting will continue Wednesday when Juan Segura will talk about his experiences.

OPINION: Asking students to show teachers the way forward

imageBy Sujata Bhatt, a teacher at Grand View Elementary

I am not in the infamous LA Times database, but, as a teacher in a Title 1 Program Improvement LAUSD elementary school, I have an enormous stake in the conversation about teacher evaluation and education reform the LA Times articles have begun. My students’ stake, however, is even greater; the discussion may alter my working conditions, but it changes their futures.

At the end of the year, I ask the students in my class to write me a letter, signed or anonymous, telling me what was memorable, what was not, and how they’d improve things. It’s not a data-based, objective evaluation, but it is, nevertheless, important because it speaks to what students find meaningful in school. Here are some of their voices:

“My favorite project was the water cycle. We got to make a colauge [sic] and have fun with it. We got to make it out of newspaper, cotton, magazines, and more. We learned about precipitation, evaporation, condensation, and more.” – Odalys

“I liked acting out the Revolutionary War. It was fun because everyone got to be a character…We got to act out all the taxes King George and Parliament made. It was fun making a timeline.” – Paulina

“There were many things I liked about Room 25 this year. I like all the fun prodjects [sic] we have done. I like how you teach us on the smartboard, all kids should experience it. My favorite part of Room 25 is the tables and how you get to know your tablemates and become a team with them.” – Justin

Almost every student suggested I include more projects and experiments next year:

“What you should change is language arts to do more experiments and projects.”– Rosaisela
“You should do even more prodject [sic] with acting.” – Brahlee
“You should not work with text books next year. You should act out experiments…” – Bryan
“Make more videos and fun projects.” – Anonymous

Not one student suggested more testing. Endless testing kills the desire to learn. Here’s Andrew:

“LA [Language Arts] is the hardest because it felt like their [sic] were a sextillion test [sic]. I know that even you Ms. Bhatt are sick of these test [sic]. You are lucky because you did not have to do it [sic].”

There are some who will look at all the ‘sics’ above and see failure. The CST certainly would. I know I could have taken another half hour or more out of creative teaching each day to do additional spelling and grammar drills. Most of my students improved on the CST, but with more drilling, they certainly would have improved further. The enormously profitable test prep industry has proven that this is the case.

But what would have been lost in this scenario? Projects, experiments, videos, teambuilding, acting, collages: the forms of learning students valued. These are the forms of learning that engage their curiosities, that inspire them to stay in school and contribute their talents to the world.

As Arturo said, “We learn more by activities.” I value my students’ voices. I believe they need to be heard in this conversation. Education reform is too often instituted from the top down, and teachers and students are as low as you can go in the educational hierarchy. This must change for real change to be effected.

So, as I face a new year, should I follow the testing model or my students’ suggestions? As I like to ask my students, “What would you do?”

BIO: I’ve been teaching at Grand View Blvd. Elementary in LAUSD since 2002. It’s the only elementary school I’ve taught at (first interview and first job offer). I went into teaching after I had a child; I found I really enjoyed experiencing the world with children. I am a produced playwright (East West Players, Mixed Blood in Minneapolis, Sacramento Theater company, etc.), and I found that theater and teaching had a lot in common. They both are forms of performance and play. Teach a child through play and he or she will be open to learning almost anything.

Prior to teaching, I was an academic with a specialty in medieval history (ABD, U Michigan, 3 year post-doc at the Society of Fellows at Harvard). I didn’t enjoy teaching undergrads and found academia too isolated from social change, so I never finished my doctorate.

At Grand View, I’ve taught 1st through 5th. I usually loop with the same class for three years so that I get to know the kids and families, and create a real community.

Workers raise awareness about high level of unemployment

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On a Saturday morning in South Los Angeles, construction workers gathered to help spruce up the Paul Robeson Community Center. They also wanted to raise awareness about the high level of unemployment, especially among black workers.

The Paul Robeson Center, known for its longstanding commitment to youth in the community, gave space to the Black Workers Center in Los Angeles, free of charge, in exchange for time to make much-needed upgrades to the community center.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas showed support for the day of service. He pledged he would help bring jobs to the community. There is more than $2 million in construction jobs that await Los Angeles County.

Of the nine percent of African-Americans who reside in Los Angeles County, about 30 percent are in low-wage jobs. Another 20 percent did not work last year.

The day was hot, but it also served as a reminder that there is a need for more jobs in Los Angeles.

OPINION: An open letter to Stephen Colbert

imageJamiel Shaw was a 17-year-old Los Angeles High School student and football player who was shot and killed by gang members on March 2, 2008. Undocumented immigrant Pedro Espinoza, 19, was arrested and charged with Shaw’s murder. He is currently awaiting trial.

Open Letter to Stephen Colbert

By Althea Rae Shaw, penned Sep. 24, 2010. Presented without modification.

Dear Stephen Colbert,

In preparing this open letter to you, I am literally fighting back the tears! It truly breaks my heart that so many people in positions of power and authority continue to make light of illegal immigration!

Are you aware of, and/or concerned with the fact, that American citizens and legal immigrants are murdered everyday by illegal aliens? Have you ever spent one second thinking about that?

In speaking to congress today, do you think you would have prepared anything different if one of your love ones was murdered by an illegal alien? You think you would make fun of this illegal alien invasion if you lost a loved one to this crime?

What if your mother was shot in the head by an illegal alien? Do you think you could make that funny? What about your children? Would it be comical if your daughter or your son or your niece or nephew was lying in the street dead, shot in the head, by someone living in this country illegally?

Here’s a challenge for you Mr. Colbert. I challenge you to visit a memorial plaque in Los Angeles, California. The plaque where my 17 year old nephew, Jamiel Andre’ Shaw II, was murdered on March 2, 2008, by a documented illegal alien gang member.

Minutes after Jamiel hung up the phone with his father Jamiel Sr., Jamiel was shot in the stomach and then shot in the head, three doors from our home. Jamiel’s mother, U.S. Army Sergeant Anita Shaw was serving in Iraq when her son was murdered. Would you like to meet Anita, Mr. Colbert?

I challenge you to visit where Cheryl Green was murdered in Los Angeles. Cheryl Green was 14 years old when she was shot and left for dead by an illegal alien. She was riding her bike across an imaginary line that the illegal alien gang members told each other, “the next black person that crosses this line will die.” Would you like to meet Cheryl’s mother, Charlene Lovett? I’m sure she could use a good laugh!

Maybe walking the streets of Los Angeles are not a challenge you would accept. So, how about Arizona, Mr. Colbert? I challenge you to visit the place where Robert Krentz was murdered by an illegal alien. Robert Krentz was 58. He was a well-liked cattle rancher, working on his 34,000 acre ranch, when he and his dog were shot dead by an illegal alien.

These are just three of the American citizens who I’m sure were not laughing when they were shot and murdered. Unfortunately, we have a long list of names of American citizens who were murdered by illegal aliens. Would you like to see their faces and meet their families?

As a matter of fact, there are tens of thousands of American citizens across the United States of America who were murdered and left for dead by people who were never supposed to be in the USA! Many of these criminals have never been caught!

If you decide to accept this challenge, why not invite about 40 families who lost love ones due to illegal immigration, to come to your studio? Then, you can tell us all about your experience working on this farm. You can even tell us, “how bad your back was hurting when you were working with illegal aliens”. I wonder how many families would laugh and think that’s funny.

To be honest with you, I’m having a very hard time trying to understand why Representative Zoe Lofgren invited you, to speak on this serious issue! Perhaps she too thinks illegal immigration is a laughing matter! She seriously needs to be replaced!!

Call me Mr. Colbert if you accept this challenge, because I know my family would love a good laugh!!


Jamiel Shaw’s Angry Aunt!
Althea Rae Shaw
Los Angeles, CA

“In life, there comes a time when people must stand up for what they believe in”.

Do you think Althea Rae Shaw’s anger is justified? Let us know in the comments box below.

View Stephen Colbert’s statement to congress:

Watts Towers Art Center faces privatization

The Watts Towers art installation is the largest single entity ever built by one man.

Simon Rodia, an Italian immigrant, started building the towers in 1921. He spent 33 years constructing a giant mosaic structure built of seashells, broken bottles, ceramic pottery and tiles, a rare piece of hand painted Canton ware and numerous pieces of 20th century American ceramics.

The towers have become a symbol of Watts’ community and culture.

The City of Los Angeles placed the Watts Towers Art Center on a list for privatization, due to major budget cut backs, said James Janisse, an employee of the Watts Towers Art Center. The Watts Towers Art Center petitioned the city to remain a public domain.

The art center has been removed from the list of privatization for one fiscal year said Rosie Lee Hooks, the director of the Watts Towers Art Center, in a recent article by Our Weekly.

In this slideshow, Janisse speaks about the purpose of their petition and the importance of the Watts Towers Arts Center to the South Los Angeles community.

McCormick Foundation awards Intersections grant for media-mentoring in South Los Angeles

McCormick Foundation awards Intersections $95,000 to continue news and media-mentoring program in South L.A.

The McCormick Foundation announced it will award a $95,000 grant to Intersections: The South Los Angeles Report, a program of the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.

The award will be used to continue the news and media-mentoring program in South Los Angeles high schools—Dorsey, Crenshaw, Fremont and Manual Arts—during the next two years. The grant supports the efforts of publications such as Intersections that align with its non-profit mission of being committed to the progression of honest and democratized news media.

“These active mentoring programs at South Los Angeles area high schools increase the number of students who are knowledgeable about how news media works and how they can shape and create the news from a diverse perspective within their communities,” said Willa Seidenberg, associate journalism professor and director of Intersections. “The USC mentors partner with local young people to foster future citizens who know they can have a voice in how their communities are portrayed in the news media.”

Funding from the McCormick Foundation also helped launch the Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative, which promotes the field of youth journalism in the Southland.

“The Intersections program is one of the shining lights in the collaborative,” said Clark Bell, journalism program director at the McCormick Foundation. “Willa and her Intersections team have built a national model for combining talented high school and USC student journalists to cover community news.”

About Intersections: The South Los Angeles Report:
Intersections: The South Los Angeles Report is a community news website dedicated to covering South Los Angeles and surrounding areas, with contributions from residents, high school students and journalism students from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Intersections represents a new approach to journalism and news coverage. Community residents are encouraged to be active contributors in shaping news content, providing news items in a variety of forms, from video, photographs, opinion pieces, on-the-ground reporting, and entries to our community calendar. Our goal is to create a two-way conversation between residents living in South LA, Inglewood, Watts, Compton and other communities south of downtown Los Angeles and the journalists covering these neighborhoods. For more information, please visit

About the McCormick Foundation:
The McCormick Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to strengthening our nation’s civic health by creating educated, informed and engaged citizens. Through its grantmaking programs, Cantigny Park and Golf, and museums, the Foundation helps build citizen leaders and make life better in our communities. The Foundation was established as a charitable trust in 1955, upon the death of Colonel Robert R. McCormick, the longtime editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The McCormick Foundation is one of the nation’s largest charities, with more than $1 billion in assets. For more information, please visit

OPINION: “Waiting for Superman” sparks polarized debate

By Leonard Isenberg for

(En español después: haz clic aquí)

On Monday night I went to the premiere of Waiting for Superman at Paramount Studios. Afterward I briefly talked with both Harlem Children’s Zone Geoffrey Canada and the film’s makers Davis Guggenheim and Lesley Chilcott at the reception following the screening. Apropos of being aware of my own lack of knowledge about public education reform on the macro American and multinational level, I keep coming back to the naive black and white polemics that seem to dominate the discussion of public education reform here in Los Angeles and elsewhere. Having been in the motion picture industry for many years prior to getting into education, I am well aware of how creativity can distort and manipulate emotions to justify something that in reality is quite different and maybe even reprehensible. I guess this is why I prefer the color gray which attempts to take the valid points from black and white positions to formulate a better and more comprehensive solution for what is wrong with public education. Of course, this tends to put me in the middle of a battlefield where I take fire from both sides, but that’s maybe why I’m a teacher and maybe also a reason for teacher tenure as a necessary shield against the reprisals for telling the truth that I am presently being subjected to by LAUSD.

Some thoughts that have occurred to me in the past and while I was watching the film on Monday that opens in L.A. tomorrow:

WHITE: PEAC/UTLA and organized teachers’ unions are starting a campaign to boycott the film, which to me is tantamount to Oedipus poking out his eyes because he didn’t like what he saw. Instead of addressing what Waiting for Superman is saying with specifics, the PEAC website and Not Waiting for Superman site talk in edspeak platitudes — just like LAUSD — about touchy-feely doing for the students. They offer no specifics to address the real and valid arguments Superman makes nor any timeframe in which they can and should be held accountable. This is a very dangerous tactic, because it isolates educators from a debate that will go on with or without their critically important input: an input that would surely impact public opinion, if corporate controlled media would ever allow it to be heard. Few outside of education with the social capital necessary to bring about change (Broad and Gates?) seem to be clueless as to what good teachers — the vast majority of the profession — know and deal with on a daily basis. Presently, teachers are too terrified of reprisals from either LAUSD or UTLA to speak out and tend to speak only among themselves where is serves little function besides group therapy.

Clearly, teachers’ unions blind defense of all teachers good or bad tends to undermine support for educators, but being in a constant state of siege seems to stop teachers’ unions from cleaning their own house at the same time as they are dealing with the latest attack on teachers from LAUSD with the tacit support of UTLA which sees the same negative treatment of its members and yet takes no unified action to stop it.

Leadership tends to reflect rank and file, which explains why this is taking place. In a society where teaching is not a profession where on average our best and our brightest come or tend to stay for more than 5 years, those that remain tend to pick risk aversive and self-interested union leadership that has more in common with top/down public school administration of LAUSD than their own rank and file. Job security in lieu of competence is clearly an attitude that must change as the Baby Boomer generation retires, if we expect to have a teacher corp capable of addressing the difficult problems we presently face.

BLACK: Waiting for Superman regrettably glosses over the fact that 1 in 5 charters does not do any better than public schools. It cites the $55 million that organized labor spends mostly on the Democratic Party to insure its Teflon status under law, but never addresses finally fixing the equally corrupt public education bureaucracies that would obviate the necessity for charters and any other “reforms” that in California remain by law under the control of clearly corrupt public school districts like LAUSD – the fox guarding the chicken coop. To borrow a phrase from Speaker Pelosi in the discussion of single payer health care, “It’s not on the table.” Waiting For Superman never opens this can of worms, since teachers and their unions are a much easier target.

While Guggenheim acknowledged before the screening the funding of the film from Gates, Broad, and Walton Foundations in the making of the film, neither he nor the film deal with the sub-primesque financial windfall that corporations can reap with charter schools given the state and federal tax benefits which would allow speculators in charters to double their money in 7 years and ultimately leave these charters loaded with debt in the same manner that they did in the recent subprime debacle where the state and taxpayers again would have to bail them out. Some estimates of the annual value of privatized public education is somewhere between $250 to $380 billion a year.

In addition, both Professors Diane Ravitch and Charles Kerchner point out in their recent books that it was the corruption of small charter-like schools at the turn of the last century that were the reason why big city school districts came into existence in the first place to have oversight in hopes of stopping these corrupt practices. Now, a century later, we are going down that same failed path with charter schools rather than fix the real political problem presently pervasive in much of our education system where there is no accountability for public school districts, teachers unions or the corporations that only seek to get rich by building profitable white elephants like the half-billion dollar Robert Kennedy school complex at the old Ambassador Hotel site.

Given my own lack of knowledge even as a person who lives within the failed public school reality, is it naive to believe that Bill Gates, Eli Broad, and Davis Guggenheim’s agenda is possibly being dictated by the same long empowered reactionary forces of public education that were their only point of entry into the public education reform debate when they decided to get involved?

Several years ago, I attended a speech given by Patti Stonesifer, then president of the Gates Foundation and in attendance were all the LAUSD Board members, Steve Barr of Green Dot, and many others seeking the charter privatization model that clearly has the collateral effect of destroying costly teachers and their unions as well as teaching as a profession.

UTLA has always boycotted these events and yet past presidents Day Higuchi- and his wife-, John Perez, and A.J. Duffy have no problem going to work for LAUSD after they term out. While I am a firm supporter of unions, whether it be the taxi union I was in in NY, the IATSE in L.A., or UTLA in which I remain a member until… I have never been in a union that wasn’t corrupt, which gives me pause in looking to them to spend my $60 a month dues for anything that even remotely approximates my self-interest or the self-interest of my students. Hell, I cannot even be sure if they will vote for arbitration in my own case against LAUSD or allow me to be fired without raising a finger.

In the final analysis and with a clear awareness of the pitfalls that taking money from Broad, Gates, and the Waltons (Walmart) represents, I think those depicted in Waiting For Superman finally deserve to have their rights to a quality public education addressed in an open dialogue between all factions on this subject. That messy and presently subverted process is what democracy is supposed to be about, if we care to have one. As film maker Michael Moore recently said, “Democracy is a participatory sport.”

El lunes por la noche fui al estreno de Esperando a Superman en los Estudios Paramount. Después me habló brevemente con los dos Harlem Children’s Zone Geoffrey Canada y Davis Guggenheim and Lesley Chilcott Soy muy consciente de cómo la creatividad puede distorsionar y manipular las emociones de justificar algo que en realidad es muy diferente y tal vez incluso censurables. Supongo que es por eso que prefiero el color gris, que trata de tomar los puntos válidos de las posiciones en blanco y negro para formular una solución mejor y más completa de lo que está mal con la educación pública. Harlem Children’s Zone Geoffrey Canadá y los productores de la película de Davis Guggenheim y Lesley Chilcott en la recepción después de la proyección. A propósito de ser consciente de mi propia falta de conocimiento sobre la reforma de la educación pública en la América y multinacionales a nivel macro, sigo volviendo a la polémica en blanco y negro ingenua que parecen dominar la discusión de la reforma de la educación pública aquí en Los Ángeles y en otras partes. Después de haber estado en la industria del cine durante muchos años antes de entrar en la educación, Por supuesto, esto tiende a ponerme en medio de un campo de batalla donde tomo el fuego de ambas partes, pero eso es quizás por eso soy un maestro y tal vez también una razón para la tenencia de maestro como un escudo contra la necesaria represalias por decir la verdad que actualmente estoy siendo objeto por el LAUSD.

Algunos pensamientos que me han ocurrido en el pasado y mientras yo estaba viendo la película el lunes:

BLANCO: PEAC/UTLA y “los sindicatos de docentes organizadas están comenzando una campaña para boicotear la película, que para mí equivale a Edipo que sobresalen los ojos, porque no le gustaba lo que veía. En lugar de abordar lo que espera de Superman está diciendo con la especificidad, la página web PEAC, y no esperar para hablar sitio Superman en lugares comunes como edspeak LAUSD acerca delicado – feelly haciendo por los estudiantes que no tienen detalles de la dirección y válidos argumentos reales Superman hace ni ninguna calendario en el que pueden y deben rendir cuentas. Esta es una táctica muy peligrosa, ya que los aislamientos educadores de un debate que continuará con o sin su importante aportación crítica, una entrada que seguramente impactaría la opinión pública, si los medios controlados por las empresas cada vez le permitiría a ser oído. Pocos fuera de la educación con el capital social necesario para lograr un cambio – Broad y Gates? – Parecen tener idea de lo que los buenos maestros – la gran mayoría de la profesión – conocer y tratar a diario. En la actualidad, los profesores están demasiado aterrorizados como de represalias por parte de cualquiera de LAUSD o UTLA para hablar y tienden a hablar sólo entre ellos mismos en el que se sirve pequeña función, además de la terapia de grupo.

Es evidente que los sindicatos de docentes de defensa ciega de todos los profesores bueno o malo tiende a socavar el apoyo para los educadores, pero estar en un constante estado de sitio parece que deja de sindicatos de docentes de la limpieza de su propia casa en el momento mismo en que se trata de la última ataque a los profesores de LAUSD, con el apoyo tácito de UTLA que ve el mismo trato negativo de sus miembros y sin embargo, no adopta ninguna medida unificada para detenerlo.

El liderazgo tiende a reflejar bases, lo que explica por qué esto está ocurriendo. En una sociedad donde la enseñanza no es una profesión donde en promedio la mejor y más brillante nuestros venir o tienden a permanecer por más de 5 años, los que se quedan tienden a tomar riesgos dirigencia sindical aversivo e interesada de que tiene más en común con la parte superior / por administración de la escuela pública de LAUSD que su propio rango y archivo. La seguridad del empleo en lugar de competencia es claramente una actitud que debe cambiar a medida que la generación Baby Boomer se retira, si esperamos a tener una corp maestro capaz de abordar los difíciles problemas que nos enfrentamos.

NEGRO: A la espera de Superman lamentablemente pasa por alto el hecho de que sólo 1 de cada 5 cartas no hace nada mejor que las escuelas públicas. Cita los $ 55 millones que los trabajadores organizados gasta principalmente en el Partido Demócrata para asegurar su condición de teflón bajo la ley, pero nunca direcciones finalmente fijar la educación pública corruptas burocracias igual que obviaría la necesidad de cartas y otro tipo de “reformas” que en California siguen siendo por la ley bajo el control de los distritos escolares públicos claramente corruptos como LAUSD – el zorro cuidando el gallinero. Para tomar prestada una frase de Nancy Pelosi en la discusión de servicios sanitarios sencillo, “No está en la mesa”. Waiting For Superman nunca se abre la caja de Pandora, los docentes y sus sindicatos ya son un blanco mucho más fácil.

Si bien reconoció Guggenheim antes de la proyección de la financiación de la película de Gates, Broad, Walton y Fundaciones en la realización de la película, ni él ni la oferta de cine con la primesque financieros extraordinarios-sub de que las empresas pueden obtener con las escuelas charter en el estado y beneficios fiscales federales que permitan especuladores en las cartas de duplicar su dinero en 7 años y finalmente se eliminan estas cartas cargadas de deuda de la misma manera que lo hicieron en la debacle subprime recientes donde el Estado y los contribuyentes una vez más tendría que rescatarlos. Algunas estimaciones del valor anual de la educación pública privatizada está en alguna parte entre $ 250-380 billion un año.

Además, tanto los profesores Diane Ravitch y Charles Kerchner señalan en sus libros recientes que se trataba de la corrupción de los pequeños, como las escuelas charter, en los albores del siglo pasado que fueron la razón por la cual grandes distritos escolares de la ciudad comenzó a existir en primer lugar que la supervisión con la esperanza de detener estas prácticas corruptas. Ahora, un siglo después, vamos por ese mismo camino no con las escuelas charter en lugar de solucionar el problema político real actualmente dominante en gran parte de nuestro sistema de educación donde no hay rendición de cuentas de los distritos de escuelas públicas, los sindicatos de profesores o las corporaciones que sólo buscan para enriquecerse mediante la construcción de elefantes blancos rentables, como el medio de millones de dólares escuela complejo Robert Kennedy en el antiguo Hotel Embajador sitio.

Teniendo en cuenta mi propia falta de conocimiento, incluso como una persona que vive dentro de la realidad de las escuelas públicas no, es ingenuo creer que Bill Gates, Eli Broad, y la agenda de Davis Guggenheim es que puedan ser dictadas por el mismo tiempo las fuerzas de poder reaccionario de la educación pública que eran su único punto de entrada en el debate de reforma educativa pública cuando decidieron implicarse?

Hace algunos años, asistí a una charla dada por Patti Stonesifer, entonces presidente de la Fundación Gates y estuvieron presentes todos los miembros de la Junta del LAUSD, Steve Barr, del Punto Verde, y muchos otros que buscan el modelo de privatización carta que claramente tiene el efecto colateral de destrucción de los docentes y sus sindicatos costosos, así como la enseñanza como profesión.

UTLA siempre ha boicoteado estos eventos y, sin embargo los ex presidentes Día Higuchi y su esposa-, Juan Pérez, AJ Duffy y no tienen ningún problema en ir a trabajar por LAUSD después de que fuera plazo. Aunque soy un firme partidario de los sindicatos, ya sea el sindicato de taxistas estaba en en Nueva York, el IATSE en Los Angeles, o UTLA en el que siendo miembro hasta el … Nunca he estado en un sindicato que no era corrupto, lo que me da que pensar en recurrir a ellos para pasar mis 60 dólares por mes cuotas por cualquier cosa que ni remotamente se aproxima a mi propio interés o el propio interés de mis estudiantes. Demonios, ni siquiera puede estar seguro de si van a votar por el arbitraje en mi propio caso contra LAUSD o permitir que yo sea despedido sin levantar un dedo.

En el análisis final y con una clara conciencia de las dificultades que sacar el dinero de Broad, Gates y los Walton (Walmart) representa, creo que las descritas en Esperando a Superman finalmente se merecen tener sus derechos a una educación pública de calidad dirigida a un diálogo abierto entre todas las facciones en este tema. Eso desordenado y actualmente subvertido proceso es lo que la democracia se supone que se trata, si nos importa tener uno. Como el cineasta Michael Moore dijo recientemente, “La democracia es un deporte participativo”.

Photos courtesy of Paramount.