South Los Angeles residents rally for Obama’s job bill

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imageThe activist organization “Good Jobs LA” waved signs and handed out leaflets to passing cars on an overpass of the 110 freeway this morning in support of president Obama’s American Jobs Act.

The activists are residents of the South LA community and gathered on the overpass that is structurally deficient. If passed, the jobs act would provide funding for such projects.

Pamela Hall says the act would connect unemployment worries with infrastructure needs.

“Today we’re here in our first demonstration to show that this bridge needs to be fixed and create jobs and get jobs back to our community,” Hall said.

If passed, the act will save or create over 51 thousand jobs building California’s roads, highways, bridges and mass transit.

Jacob Hay said that passing the act would benefit the entire community.

“Well the condition of our country and our city, the roads, schools, bridges, it effects all of us,” said Hay. “LA traffic is the most congested in the nation. Potholes on the road contribute to the need for car repairs and accidents and creates dangerous conditions. And of course the unemployment crisis, that impacts everyone as well.”

Obama has been traveling around the US with the same message to gain support for the bill.

Supporters of DREAM Act wait for a decision

Listen to an audio story by Annenberg Radio News

imageSupporters of the California DREAM act gathered this morning to urge Governor Jerry Brown to sign the bill into law. If the bill passes, undocumented college students in California would be eligible for publicly-funded financial aid.

Conrado Terrazas says the bill has widespread backing.

“We have very strong support from people in labor, business,the education community and non-profit sectors,” he says. “I think we’re looking forward to [Jerry Brown] showing leadership on this as he did with AB131, and to sign it.”

But not all believe the DREAM Act would be a good thing.

Assembly member Tim Donnelly (CA-59) says the bill would be counterproductive.

“The only thing they’re doing is passing bills to undo the safety net and increase and create more incentives for illegal immigration,” he said in a television interview.

The Center for Immigration Studies says this act would affect one million students.