Tips on how to make the temporary-to-permanent transition

As the economy improves, contract work and temporary employment are on the rise; many companies are hesitant to commit to permanent employees and higher benefit costs, the AP reported.

Erin Conroy, an AP business writer, said working a temporary job has its benefits. It is a reliable way to keep skills current and make new networking contracts, while still looking for permanent employment. But Tim Schoonover, chairman of career consulting firm OI Partners, said some should be cautious when attempting to turn some of these positions into full-time jobs.

“There are often no guarantees and no promises that they will be hired full-time, even if suitable openings arise,” Schoonover said. “The downside of contract work is there is this possibility that it can detract from a regular job search and create false hope about a full-time job.”

OI Partners generally offers this advice, and more, for making sure people get the most of their short-time position; it is important to make a smooth transition into permanent work.

The firm also suggests people ask up front if there is a full-time position available during the contract period. OI Partners stresses the importance of out-performing full-time employees who do the same, or a similar, job.

Part-time employees should be positive and upbeat about their commitment to the company. They should also act as if they are a full-time employee, Conroy reported.

“Don’t go around the workplace thinking of yourself as ‘only a contractor,’ and never display a negative attitude,” Schoonover said.

If one can understand the reasons for the contract job and the circumstances surrounding the position, he or she can also determine whether there is a future with the company. Another piece of advice offered is to meet as many people in the organization as possible. Sit in on staff meetings, keep in contact with the people who recruit for the company and complete any projects anyone assigns.

“Leaving projects unfinished will hurt you if you need to be a contract worker again or want a reference for your work,” Schoonover said.