OPINION: Making public safety a priority

imageBy Althea Rae Shaw (left), Candidate for Los Angeles City Council District 10

“The man who loves other countries as much as his own, stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife.” – Theodore Roosevelt

In Los Angeles, public safety should be priority, but it’s not. Did you know that the City of Los Angeles is a “sanctuary city”? Sanctuary cities are commonly defined as those that restrict law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration laws. Basically, a sanctuary city is a pathway to lawlessness.

On March 8, 2011, we have the power to change the face of the Los Angeles City Council. There are seven city council seats opened. We can vote out all incumbents who support sanctuary cities and vote in me and other like-minded candidates who support public safety.

According to Judge Susan Bolton, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, sanctuary cities are actually against the law. Did you know that? However, many elected officials are silent regarding this and local media is not known for covering this. So, we must vote to fix this.

When order goes out the window, there goes the neighborhood. When billions of dollars are spent on funding sanctuary cities, there goes the budget. When a large number of people enter America illegally and law enforcement leaders turn a blind eye, there goes justice.

With our vote in hand, we must make our representatives focus on public safety. Look around the world, isn’t it time to make public safety priority in America? If not now, when? Our borders are not secure and many of our cities are a safe haven for foreigners living in America illegally. This is not how we win the future.

If we begin to take local elections just as serious as we take presidential elections and get a high voter turnout, good things will happen locally. When public safety is priority and the American people are united, good things will happen. Property value will go up and crime will go out. Companies will return to investing in America and small businesses will be able to operate in Los Angeles. This is the beginning to winning the future.

Let’s not just imagine a life where public safety is a priority; let’s make it a reality. You can vote by mail starting on February 7, 2011, or you can go to your local polling place and vote on March 8, 2011!

For more information about Althea Rae Shaw, visit her website at altheashaw.com.