Exhibit links public health and public diplomacy

University of Southern California Public Diplomacy student Paul S. Rockower illustrates the connection between public diplomacy and public health in the photography exhibit “A Focus on Global Health.”

Capturing Rockower’s travels from Los Angeles to Panama, the exhibit features images of environmental degradation, famine, water scarcity, chronic and infectious disease epidemics, and socio-economic development.

“Public health practitioners and institutions must engage in facets of public diplomacy in order to deal with pressing global health issues,” Rockower said. “Through advocacy and listening, cultural exchange and cultural diplomacy, both the public diplomat and public health practitioner affect global change.”

Hosted by the USC Institute for Global Health, the exhibit opened on April 5 at 5:15 p.m. at the Tyler Prize Pavillion at USC. Speakers included Neal Baer, the director of the Institute for Photographic Empowerment, and Sandra de Castro Buffington, the director of Hollywood, Health and Society.

The exhibit will run from April 5 to 16. For more information, go to globalhealth.usc.edu.

Local cities fall behind in 2010 Census

Everyone said it would take 10 minutes to fill out the 2010 Census.

Karen Rubin, an opinion writer for Long Island Populist Examiner, said “everyone lied.”

“It took two minutes, maybe three,” Rubin said.

John McDonald, mayor of Cohoes, said this year’s form is much simpler and much shorter than the form he filled out 10 years ago.

“I finished it from beginning to end in eight minutes, and I did not rush to fill it out,” McDonald said. “The form is what they promise – simple, safe and secure.”

But despite the short, 10-question form, some California cities, including Compton and Inglewood, are behind the rest of the country in returning forms.

While 52 percent of households nationally have mailed back their forms, only 40 percent of Compton households and 39 percent of Inglewood households have returned their forms.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa attempted to motivate these Angelenos to stand up and participate in this once-in-a-decade event.

“I am calling on a little friendly competition between cities, [where] the prize will be funding for services and projects that will benefit your community for generations to come,” Villaraigosa said. “We need to show these other cities once and for all that Los Angeles is the greatest city in the world, with residents who represent the most civic pride.”

In 2000, more than 76,000 Angelenos went uncounted. Villaraigosa’s blog lists that number as “the second highest undercount in the nation, resulting in a loss of about $206 million in state and federal funding for local services and programs.”

What do you think?

Is it the city’s responsibility to make sure all of its residents do not go uncounted? Or is it the resident’s responsibility to stay informed? What should be done to make sure residents understand the importance of this event?

Preserving democracy with both broadcast and Social Media

By Anjuli Kronheim, Los Angeles Organizer, Southern California Democracy Matters Coordinator, California Common Cause

I am one those Millenials that broadcast media seems to be scared of.  These days, with the digital shakeup of our media landscape, no one is quite sure what the future holds. Everyone looks to my generation for answers. Where do we get our news and information (if at all)?

With all this in mind, I recently attended the Los Angeles Media Reform Summit and came away hopeful about the future. As one of the organizers, I knew that we wanted to move beyond “kvetching”, complaining about how times have changed without figuring out what alternatives could be.  In such a critical year, one that could alter the balance of power in Congress and provide a referendum on President Barack Obama, I clearly see the need for reliable, relevant information so that I as voter can make informed decisions.

As most everyone knows, newspapers, television and radio broadcasters across the nation are cutting staff and shrinking news coverage. As speakers at the Summit pointed out, most of what we read, see and hear in the mainstream media is controlled by only a handful of corporations. The Internet has experienced an explosion of blogs and Web-only publications. They are competing with traditional media, breaking stories and doggedly calling out mainstream media’s mistakes and biases. Some say the lack of content gatekeepers on the Internet compromises its legitimacy. Others say traditional media is compromised due to corporate ownership, and should be held accountable.

As Tapia Martinez Russ, another LA Media Reform Group member, said on Saturday, “New Media or old, the democracy depends on the flow of factual information.  Making certain that real journalism survives is priority one.”

Brad Friedman, Keynote Address at ‘L.A. Media Reform Summit’, 3/27/10

This is the third annual media summit they have organized but my first one. I was reassured to see so many people give up their Saturday and learn about media and democracy and future actions. Brad Friedman, election protection advocate and blogger for the Brad Blog opened the day with stories about the lack of coverage on ACORN’s side in the recent prostitution scandal. Another organizer Dick Price liked the rallying cry. “Brad Friedman gave a passionate come-to-Jesus speech on holding the citizenry itself accountable for holding corporate media and America accountable. It was a little stunning to hear him say ‘I blame you, if you don’t (take action),’ but it was definitely a motivating moment.”

imageThis was followed by a panel discussion with Steven Cuevas, reporter for KPCC; Brad Parker, activist, author and blogger for The Huffington Post; and Sue Wilson, director of the award-winning documentary, Broadcast Blues. Ian Masters, host of Background Briefing and The Daily Briefing on KPFK moderates. KPCC’s Steven Cuevas expressed a deep concern about the affect the Internet will have on the ability of trained journalists to do real reporting. He remarked that newsrooms have been hard hit in recent years, both by the switch in reading habits online and by our economic collapse. He sees public radio station news operations affected as well, though he thinks KPCC’s will rebound when the economy recovers.

The afternoon was filled with workshops from topics such as lobbying on hate speech to citizen journalism. The citizen journalism workshops were overflowing with participants and the Net Neutrality workshop organized volunteers to attend a day of action planned on Tuesday, April 6 to lobby Rep. Joe Baca and Rep. Loretta Sanchez on their Net Neutrality positions. 

“By breaking the workshops into two sessions, facilitators were able to glean and share information with like-minded activists, which seemed to kick up the discussions a notch,” said LA Media Reform group member, Sharon Kyle. The day closed with Anthony Samad, Ph.D, Professor of Political Science and African American Studies at East Los Angeles College. Sharon continued, “It was refreshing to hear Anthony Samad recount how the media played such a central role in the civil rights movement. Indeed, newspaper descriptions and photographs of blacks being attacked by dogs and fire hoses in Birmingham, Alabama, for instance, galvanized public opinion across the country and around the world. That’s something to remember as we work to remake media.” 

To follow what was said throughout the day, search #lamrs on Twitter. Everyone’s combined comments put the day in perspective for those who weren’t there and educates non-attendees on these vital democratic issues. 

More Information: Please visit lamediareform.wordpress.com/mediasummit2010