USC conference explores urban poverty

With one out of five children living in poverty, America is facing a social crisis. Nowhere is this more apparent than in California – the state with the highest rates of poverty in the U.S. Poverty experts from across the country are meeting this week for The Innovating to End Urban Poverty conference at USC to assess which policies are working, and which ones aren’t, and how they can work together to be more effective.

The conference comes 50 years after President Lyndon B. Johnson declared “unconditional War on Poverty.” Billions of dollars have been spent on poverty programs and there is a move in Congress to answer the question, do they work?

Visit the conference’s Twitter page to see what participants in the invitation-only event are saying.

Richard Parks, Executive Director of the USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation, and Raphael Bostic, Professor and Director of USC's Bedrosian Center on Governance | Bryony Inge

Richard Parks, Executive Director of the USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation, and Raphael Bostic, Professor and Director of USC’s Bedrosian Center on Governance | Bryony Inge

Annenberg Radio News’ Bryony Inge talked with Raphael Bostic, Professor and Director of USC’s Bedrosian Center on Governance, and Richard Parks, Executive Director of the USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation, about the goals of the conference.