Fix South Los Angeles


  1. Emily Henry says:

    Thanks Isidra. Where is this warehouse?

  2. Isidra Person-Lynn says:

    The warehouse is on Crenshaw in a nondescript building right at the end of 43rd Place (I think it used to be a nightclub). The Store that all kinds of police frequent to buy weapons and ammo is on 43rd Place, one or two doors in from Crenshaw, in the “business” area of the very residential Leimert Park… you and I are not allowed. It’s too close for comfort. (Across from the park, with cleaners and hair dressers and art places)nearby. This area should not be zoned for this. Google Botach or visit

  3. Isidra Person-Lynn says:

    The Botach company still has a warehouse and a store front of arms and ammunition in and near a residential community. Politicians hold press conferences and then NOTHING. Dangerous!

  4. This seems like an awesome project to take up. I always love to hear about people taking a stand in their local neighborhood and the like to make a positive difference. Thank you for posting this.

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