South LA tests app for sanitation workers + Firefighter remembered for integrating LAFD


Firefighters follow up at the Church fire.

Los Angeles Fire Department| Intersections South LA

South L.A. firefighter remembered: 96-year-old firefighter, lawyer, and educator Arnett Hartsfield, Jr. died on Friday October 31. He is remembered for the legacy he left at the LAFD through his work to help integrate stations in the 1940s and 1950s. (Firehouse)

Sanitation workers in South L.A. test app: South L.A. sanitation workers navigate the city with an app called Esri instead of paper maps, which is expected to be used citywide by next summer. (The Sun)

Man shot after reportedly showing gang signs: A man was shot several times Monday afternoon in the 5600 block of Halldale Avenue for reportedly flashing gang signs. (My News L.A.)

South L.A. raised dreamer and many other start over in Mexico: South L.A. raised Nancy Landa is one of many dreamers who decide to start over in Mexico, calling themselves “Los Otros Dreamers” or “The Other Dreamers.” (L.A. Times)

Turning alleys into green space: South L.A. residents are starting to embrace the green alley concept. Converting formerly cluttered spaces in alley-rich South L.A. could transform the neighborhood. (Next City)

L.A. City Council approved award for hit-and-run information: City Council members voted to offer a $50,000 reward for information about the fatal hit-and-run of 57-year-old Diane Dupree on Oct. 10. (CBS)



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