South LA wishes for 2012

Martha Sánchez, community activist and South LA resident

Deseo que más personas en mi comunidad tengan la oportunidad de vivir en el proyecto de viviendas económicas de la calle 29th Street. Que el centro comunitario abra sus puertas lo mas antes posible para que cientos de familias reciban capacitación en el uso de la tecnología, clases para padres, programas después de escuela y que podamos capacitar a nuestros jovenes como mentores y que con ello reciban becas para ir a la universidad.

Que podamos tener una biblioteca pública dentro de nuestra área que ofrezca programas de lectura, clases de inglés y otras actividades donde nuestros jovenes puedan participar, aprender y enseñar arte, danza, teatro etc. a quien desee participar.

Que logremos tener educación cívica y participación comunitaria para disminuir la cantidad de basura en nuestras calles, que podamos tener mejor iluminación de nuestras calles, que los comercios se involucren y contribuyan a la limpieza de la comunidad.

Que el MTA ponga “bus shelters” en las paradas de autobus principales para que la gente no esté bajo la lluvia y el sol intenso mientras espera el transporte público.

Que nuestra población de la tercera edad se involucre con la juventud en forma positiva. Que aprendan nuestros hijos los valores de nuestra cultura y que los jovenes de la tercera edad entiendan los problemas por los que atraviesan nuestros hijos y los apoyen con sus consejos.

Que todas las personas que pueden votar se involucren y tomen mejores decisiones este año nuevo. Que haya una reforma migratoria para que dejen de dividir familias.

Deseo muchas cosas que en realidad son compromisos personales. Mis deseos no estén en mi mente sino en mi lista de prioridades para trabajar este próximo año.

Mi lista es pequeña pero siempre hay que empezar a trabajar en lo mas fácil y en lo mas pequeño para entrenar al corazón, al cuerpo y la mente a lograr eso que para otros suena mas bien a misión imposible.


I wish for more people in my community to have the oppportunity to live in the affordable housing project on 29th St.; that the community center open its doors as soon as possible, so hundreds of families can get training in technology, parenting classes, after school programs and that we can train our youth to be mentors, to help them get scholarships to go to college.

That we may have a public library in our area that offers reading programs, English classes and other activities in which our youth can participate, learn and teach art, dance, theater, etc., to those who wish to participate.

That we may have civic education and community participation to reduce the amount of trash on our streets; that we have better lighting in our streets; that businesses get involved and contribute to clean the community.

That the MTA put bus shelters on the main bus stops, so people don’t have to be exposed to rain and sun while they wait for public transportation.

That our elderly become involved with our youth in a positive way. That our children learn the values of our culture and the “young” seniors understand the problems our children face, and offer them advice.

That all the people that can vote become involved and make better decisions in the new year. That there be immigration reform that will stop dividing families.

I wish for many things that in reality are personal commitments. My wishes aren’t just in my mind, but in my list of priorities to work on in the coming year.

My list is small, but you always have to start working on the easiest and smallest things, so they may enter your heart, body and mind, so we can achieve that which to others sounds more like an impossible mission.

Conchita Bouza, South LA resident

Mas programas en las bibliotecas escolares y comunitarias. La lectura debe ser parte integral en la formación de todo estudiante. ¡Feliz 2O12!


More programs in school and community libraries. Reading must be an integral part in the formation of every student.

Jacqueline Hamilton, director of the Education Consortium of Central Los Angeles

ECCLA would like for schools and teachers in south L.A. to have the resources they need to provide the excellent education that their students deserve.

Isidra Person-Lynn, founder of House of the Rising Sons Media Group

What I would like to see for my community is for the main drags to reflect the neighborhoods surrounding them. Western Ave. makes you feel like you are in a blighted area when working families own the beautiful homes on the feeder streets. It’s terrible for your morning walk!

So, a nice awning project or business beautification movement would be great.

Jacob Hay, communications coordinator for Good Jobs LA

Good Jobs LA wishes for an economy that is fair and works for everyone. South LA communities are desperate for good jobs. In 2012, we will continue holding Wall Street banks and corporations accountable for fixing our economy and fighting for job-creating investments to put people in LA back to work.

John Patterson, President of the West Adams Heritage Association

The West Adams Heritage Association’s single biggest hope for 2012 is to identify more community organizations with whom we can build a cohesive community, and extend our education programs about historic neighborhoods and preservation efforts.

We made some great inroads this past year by partnering with the California African American Museum (CAAM), The Murals Conservancy Los Angeles, and the L.A. Conservancy. I would like to see more of these types of community interactions in the coming year, and I am always open to new introductions!!

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