Where to get your free or low-cost vaccinations

The Los Angeles Department of Public Health on Monday kicked off a campaign to encourage L.A. residents to vaccinate their children—and themselves. 

The campaign is called “Stay Healthy.  Vaccinate” 

“Los Angeles County is currently experiencing the worst epidemic of whooping cough in 60 years, with more than 870 cases last year alone,’’ said county health director Dr. Jonathan Field.  “We encourage everyone to talk to their doctor about the right vaccines for their children and themselves.’‘

The Department of Public Health’s Stay Healthy.  Vaccinate website features a list of the vaccinations children should have and when they should have them.

For residents who do not have health insurance or a regular health care provider, the county has clinics offering free and low-cost health services.  The three clinics serving the South Los Angeles area are:

241 N. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 240-8204

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South LA
Ruth Temple
3834 S. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90062
(323) 730-3507

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1522 E. 102nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
(323) 563-4053

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