Central Avenue Farmer’s Market offers flu shots

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Kaitlin Parker, Laurel Galanter and Stephanie Sherman contributed to this report.

It is that time of year again. No, not Thanksgiving, we’re talking about flu season. This morning at the Central Avenue Farmer’s Market, a group called the Immunize Los Angeles Families Coalition offered free flu shots for community members. The line for shots started to form before the nurses even arrived.

About 20 men and women, many of them pushing strollers or holding young children, gathered around a folding table to begin filling out immunization forms. South Los Angeles resident was one of the first in line. She was here hoping to protect her health and was pleased that the flu shot was free.

South Los Angeles resident: We need the flu shot. Now, we don’t have no job, and it’s hard to pay for the flu shot.

She has also worried about the health of her son.

South Los Angeles resident: And I have to give him the flu shot, too, because I don’t want him to get worse. Now, it’s not too bad because it’s cold, but maybe later, it’s going to be very cold.

Flu season can last from as early as October to late May.


  1. Eddie North-Hager says:

    Here’s a comprehensive list of locations where the flu shots are available.
    You can also dial 2-1-1 for more info

  2. Laura Mecoy says:

    Please note that Immunize LA Families Coalition is promoting the flu clinics, not sponsoring them. Los Angeles County and other organizations are the actual sponsors. Thanks so much.

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